Brunel Academies Trust

Times of School Day

Brimble Hill School opens at 9.10am and closes at 3.10pm Monday to Friday. Each school day is 6 hours with lunchtime communication learning time. The total time the school is open per week is 30 hours. 

A more detailed breakdown is shown below. Some lessons take place outside of the classroom such as sports and swimming at leisure facilities in the local.


Morning Session
(Official Start of School Day)

9.10 -10.20

Play Time
(Divided into two sessions)


Morning Session 

11.00 – 12.00


12.00 – 1.30

All children eat lunch between 12 and 12.30. Between 12.30-1.30 each child will have 30 minutes play time and 30 minutes dedicated PSHE time.

(Official end of School is 3:10)

1.15 – 3.10


Assembly Timetable Day  Time
Whole School Sharing Assembly Friday 9.15 - 9.30
Signing Assembly Tuesday 3.05-3.10
Celebration Assembly Wednesday 3.05-3.10