Brimble Hill Admission Criteria
We are a primary special school, part of the Brunel Academies Trust. We cater for pupils with profound, multiple and/or severe learning difficulties who may have other difficulties including social, communication and interaction difficulties, medical difficulties and physical disabilities.
Visits can be arranged by contacting the School Office.
Extract taken from SBC Continuum of Provision
Brief Description
The following criteria will be used to determine if a pupil is to be referred to this special school:
Pupils Must:
• Have an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP)
(In exceptional circumstances, pupils can be placed under statutory assessment)
• Have profound, multiple and/or severe learning difficulties
• Be aged from aged 4 to 11 years
• Have needs that cannot be met at the stage of referral, by a full time placement in a mainstream school
• Be placed after full consultation with parents
• Children can join at any time through the school year subject to an appropriate place being available
Swindon Local Authority is the placing/admitting authority. Decisions on placement are made through SENRAP (Special Educational Needs Resources and Assessment Panel.)
Pupils will normally have an EHCP (Education, Health and Care Plan) which specifies their needs are severe or profound and require provision available in a special school staffed for pupils with Severe/Profound needs. Some children may take up a place in the Nursery or Yr R while a statutory assessment is completed. The type of school appropriate is always named at the outcome of the Statutory Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment.