Family Support Worker
At Brimble Hill we are lucky enough to have a Family Support Worker, this is a service available to all families of children who attend Brimble Hill. You do not have to have a specific need to use this service.
What does the Family Support Worker offer to the whole school:
- Coffee mornings (a space to meet other parents and carers of children who attend Brimble Hill School, chat together and share ideas for common challenges)
- Workshops (educational, academic, professional services like speech and language and life skills)
- Family events (themed family events, held in school time for families to engage with their children in activities without the clearing up afterwards!)
- Sensory play sessions
- Themed holiday events
- Drop-in style clinic at Parents Evenings
These will all be advertised by the whole school Class Dojo page.
What can the Family Support Worker support with:
- Advice, guidance or support with life challenges (long term or short-term, one-off sessions or individualised support)
- Accessing respite services
- Impartial 1:1 advice, guidance or support
- Designing of individual resources (now-next boards, visual supports, holiday countdown calendars)
- Covering letters or applications for funding for equipment (Family fund, cash for kids)
- Supporting letters for DLA applications/re-application, Blue Badge application/re-application or other services needed by our families
- Food bank, food parcels, bags of hope referrals
- Signposting to other services that can help or support
- Individual referrals to NDC pathway, LD CAMHS, occupational therapy or physiotherapy or special needs dental services
- Attendance support or advise including attendance support action plans (ASAPs)
- Formalised support such as Early Help Assessments
Contact Details
Frankie Hopkins Family Support Worker |
To contact the Family Support Worker, Frankie Hopkins, please
message Frankie through Class Dojo,
call the office on 01793 493900
or email with the subject FAO: Frankie Hopkins FSW |
Useful Information
There are some amazing parent led support services in Swindon, who use social media as their platform to communicate with other parents, these can be a great way to find other parents who may be experiencing similar life experiences to your family. It can be helpful to have other hear your experience and hear how they supported one another through such times. Some that I can recommend include:
MOAM – Mum’s on a Mission
SEND Communities Connected
Friends of Brimble Hill School
Some helpful websites for you to access may be:
Information, advice and advocacy for children and young people with SEND | Swindon Borough Council
Speech and language: Courses and training | Swindon Borough Council SEND Local Offer - Cygnet Programme | Swindon Borough Council
Short Breaks referral form | Swindon Borough Council
SEND Families News Splash | Swindon Borough Council
Shared Resources
We are also able to share resources with you, including communication boards, lanyard symbols, charts or countdown calendars. Please just ask.