Curriculum Pathways
There are three Curriculum Pathways at Brimble Hill: Pre-Formal, Semi-Formal and Formal. On entry to Brimble Hill, children are placed onto the appropriate pathway, dependent on their developmental level and needs and which pathway is most appropriate to enable them to access the curriculum. Children may change curriculum pathway during their time at Brimble Hill, if it is assessed that an alternative pathway would better meet their needs.
Within all Curriculum Pathways, there are certain things that are the same:
- All children at Brimble Hill have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), which outlines their strengths, their special educational needs, their intended outcomes and the provision that should be in place for them. In all Curriculum Pathways, children’s EHCPs form a key part of what is in place for them.
- In all Curriculum Pathways, children will have an Individual Education Plan (IEP) in place, which breaks down the Outcomes from their EHCP into smaller Targets. The Targets from children’s IEPs are worked on across the curriculum and progress towards these is monitored.
- All children who attend Brimble Hill have special educational needs in the area of Cognition and Learning. Children either have Severe Learning Difficulties (SLD) or Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties. All children require a high level of support in order to access learning. Classes at Brimble Hill have a high ratio of adult : child support, usually 1 adult:2 children or higher. Class sizes are small, with between 6 and 12 children in each class.
- All children who attend Brimble Hill have special educational needs in the area of Communication and Interaction. All children work with a Speech and Language Therapist, who support school staff with the setting of Targets based on their EHCP Outcomes, the delivery of provision to support children and monitoring of progress towards Targets and Outcomes.
- Many children who attend Brimble Hill have special education needs in the area of Sensory and/or Physical. All children have access to Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists where necessary, through a referral process. All children have access to regular swimming in the Brimble Hill hydrotherapy pool or in a public swimming pool where more appropriate.
- All children who attend Brimble Hill require focused support to develop their Personal Care and Independence skills. There are Pre-Formal and Semi-Formal/Formal Knowledge Ladders for Personal Care and Independence and all children work on developing their skills in these areas during the school day. Progress in this area is monitored.
- Children in all Curriculum Pathways receive daily Phonics Teaching through the Read, Write, Inc. (RWI) scheme, tailored to the appropriate level for each child.
- In all Curriculum Pathways, learning is delivered through a thematic approach. The learning theme is the same each term for all children. Learning in each class is structured around a Topic related to the learning theme.
The content and delivery of the curriculum is different within the three different pathways.
Curriculum Pathways
Curriculum Pathway |
Pre-Formal |
Semi-Formal |
Formal |
Curriculum Areas
Based on the areas of the EHCP:
Based on the areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Curriculum:
Based on the areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Curriculum:
Timetable Requirements |
Communication and Language – One 40-minute Speech and Language session per week, a Greetings session each day, clear evidence of communication skills being practised and consolidated across the timetable, one Music session each week. Cognition and Learning – nine 40-minute sessions each week, including phonics or pre-phonics learning each day. Social, Emotional and Mental Health – 30 minutes each day, including coverage of the Termly Values Theme. Physical and Sensory – One main P.E session each week plus sessions to deliver provision from Therapy plans and sessions to give opportunities to practise and consolidate skills. In our PMLD classes, learning is timetabled differently, due to the complex needs of the children. Children access all areas of the pre-formal curriculum: communication and interaction, cognition and learning, physical and sensory and social, emotional and mental health throughout every day. There is a significant focus on physical and sensory throughout the day, as this incorporates children’s feeding and intimate care needs as well as their regular changes of position and work on Targets from their Therapy plans. Children in the PMLD classes are not able to access formal P.E lessons. However, they participate in structured physical sessions such as Rebound Therapy and Dance Therapy. |
Communication and Language – One 40-minute Speech and Language session per week, a Greetings session each day, clear evidence of communication skills being practised and consolidated across the timetable.
Literacy – One 20-minute phonics session per week plus a 5-minute phonics session per child per day, 40 minutes of reading sessions per week, 40 minutes of writing/pre-writing session each week, 15-minute story session per day. Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED) – 30 minutes each day plus one 40-minute session per week based on the values theme for the term. Physical Development – one 40-minute P.E session based on the PE theme for the term plus two additional sessions. Numeracy – three 40-minute sessions per week. Expressive Arts and Design – two 40-minute sessions per week (one Music, one Art and Design). Understanding the World – two 40-minute sessions per week based on the Topic related to the Learning Theme. Learning in all areas of the Curriculum will also be reinforced through continuous provision.
Communication, Language and Literacy – At least four 40-minute sessions per week (phonics, reading, writing/pre-writing, Speech and Language) Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED) – 30 minutes each day plus one 40-minute session per week based on the values theme for the term. Physical Development – one 40-minute P.E session based on the PE theme for the term plus two additional sessions. Numeracy – three 40-minute sessions per week. Expressive Arts and Design – two 40-minute sessions per week (one Music, one Art and Design). Understanding the World – two 40-minute sessions per week based on the Topic related to the Learning Theme. Learning in all areas of the Curriculum will also be reinforced through continuous provision.
Curriculum Pathway |
Pre-Formal |
Semi-Formal |
Formal |
Learning Objectives |
Learning Objectives taken from Pre-Formal Knowledge Ladders, from EHCPs, IEPs and Therapy Plans. |
Learning Objectives taken from Semi-Formal/Formal Knowledge Ladders, from EHCPs, IEPs and Therapy Plans.
Learning Objectives taken from Semi-Formal/Formal Knowledge Ladders, from EHCPs, IEPs and Therapy Plans.
Planning |
Termly planning for each area of the Curriculum, including weekly learning objectives and activities.
Termly planning for each area of the Curriculum, including weekly learning objectives and activities.
Termly planning for each area of the Curriculum, including weekly learning objectives and activities.
Learning largely delivered through sensory experience e.g. Tacpac, Sensology, Sensory Play, Sensory Stories. Personalised input relating to EHCPs and Therapy Plans. |
Learning delivered in a range of ways including through sensory experience e.g. Sensory Stories, Sensory Play, through activity-based learning e.g. guided play activities related to the content of the Topic and through 1:1 and small group structured learning activities. |
Learning delivered largely through small group structured learning activities. Opportunities for children to consolidate learning through guided play and active learning activities. Work is beginning to be recorded more formally in books. |
Recording and Assessment |
Progress towards planned Learning Objectives is tracked using a Running Record. Evidence of progress is recorded using videos, photos, pieces of work and comments on long evidence forms (formative assessment). Children’s progress towards the Learning Objectives on the Knowledge Ladders in each curriculum area is tracked (summative assessment). |
Progress towards planned Learning Objectives is tracked using a Running Record. Evidence of progress is recorded using videos, photos, pieces of work and comments on long evidence forms (formative assessment). Children’s progress towards the Learning Objectives on the Knowledge Ladders in each curriculum area is tracked (summative assessment). |
In core academic curriculum areas (Literacy, Numeracy, Understanding the World), progress towards planned Learning Objectives is tracked using book evidence forms, with the associated evidence recorded in exercise books. Progress towards planned Learning Objectives in all other areas is tracked using a Running Record. Evidence of progress in these areas is recorded using videos, photos, pieces of work and comments on long evidence forms (formative assessment). Children’s progress towards the Learning Objectives on the Knowledge Ladders in each curriculum area is tracked (summative assessment) |
Curriculum Pathway |
Pre-Formal |
Semi-Formal |
Formal |
Understanding the World – Thematic Learning |
The contents of Topics is based on EYFS objectives (mainly 0-3 years). Most learning is linked directly to experience but with some exposure to more abstract learning for extension. Immersion in experiences related to the Topic.
The contents of Topics are based on EYFS objectives and some KS1 objectives. Most learning is linked directly to experience and gradually begins to introduce learning from outside direct experience and begins to look at comparisons. Subject specific learning in the EYFS Areas. |
The contents of Topics are based on EYFS and KS1 objectives. Learning is linked directly to experience and introduces learning from outside direct experience, looking at comparisons and increasing understanding of the wider world. Content is covered with greater depth and breadth. Subject specific learning in the EYFS Areas. |
Topic Learning Objectives |
Learning Objectives are taken from the Pre-Formal Knowledge Ladders. Intended Learning Objectives are related to children’s development and not directly to the Topic Content. |
Learning Objectives are taken from the Semi-Formal/Formal Knowledge Ladders. Subject Specific Outcomes.
Learning Objectives are taken from the Semi-Formal/Formal Knowledge Ladders. Subject Specific Outcomes. |
Knowledge Ladders
There is an overlap between the top of the Pre-Formal Knowledge Ladders and the bottom of the Semi-Formal/Formal Knowledge Ladders so that a child could be learning the same section of knowledge in either Curriculum Pathway. This ‘bridging section’ is designed to ensure that there can be a seamless transition for a child from a Pre-Formal class to a Semi-Formal class.
No child’s learning would ever be capped and if a child in a Pre-Formal class needs to move onto Learning Objectives on the Semi-Formal/Formal Knowledge Ladders in certain areas then this would be done. Equally, if a child in a Semi-Formal/Formal class needs to work on Learning Objectives on a Pre-Formal Knowledge Ladder, then this would be done. There will always be flexibility to ensure that children access learning that is the most appropriate for them and targets their next steps.
Structure of the Curriculum
The Brimble Hill Curriculum is designed around several key areas of learning that are believed to be important for all our children.
Me, My Family and My Community |
Staying Healthy |
Staying Safe |
Homes and Habitats |
Transport |
The Natural World - Animals and plants |
The Local Area |
The wider world |
These areas of learning run right through the curriculum to ensure that knowledge and skills that are particularly relevant for our children are sequentially developed and built upon. We use a spiral curriculum to ensure that children come back to key knowledge and skills regularly in order to ensure that they can consolidate learning and build upon prior knowledge and skills.
Thematic Learning
Each Term there is a Learning Theme across the whole school. A sequence of Topics related to this Learning Theme is planned for each Curriculum Pathway each year. The Topics are mapped to the EYFS and Key Stage 1 Curriculum content in Understanding the World/Science/Geography/History/RE. Each Topic has a major Curriculum area but will also cover elements from other Curriculum areas. Topics with a balance of different major Curriculum areas are planned for each year and over a three-year cycle. Curriculum coverage, consolidation and progression is built into the Topics through the three-year cycle.
In addition to the main Theme for the Term, there is a Values theme, a P.E theme and Expressive Arts and Design themes for Music and Art and Design. This is to ensure coverage of the different areas in these curriculum areas.